Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Angela - An RGS Girl!

I am very proud to announce that Angela has been accepted by RGS through Tennis DSA. She has been working hard on court despite the looming PSLE. A well earned place! Meng Hwee and I and her brothers are SO proud of her! Hip Hip Hurray!


Lee-anne said...

Shan min is so pro to get into RGS through tennis alone! Congrats!!!! (x 100000000000000000000)

Michael said...

Well Done Shan Min, we are all very proud of you. You must have done spectacularly fantastic with your trials. I am happy, but not really surprised, that you made it.
Congratulations(x 9 to the 9th power of 9. The end result would be so long, it would occupy over 500 miles of paper, have about 6,000,000 digits and would take years to read, that's how much I congratulate you!!!)

P.S. Sorry about long comment. Or is it too short? :D

Amanda said...

Shan Min, I'm so happy for you and proud of you. I am probably the only person who really understands the moment when you open the letter (or pick up the phone) and suddenly they tell you, 'you're in'.

Welcome to the Raffles Family!!! We have a long history of excellence. No pressure, but you could add to that!!! :) You are my sister in learning and at heart (you'll see, in the school song)!!!

2 more things: Once a Rafflesian, always a Rafflesian, and we are all striving to be Filiae Melioris Aevi (Daughters of a better age.) :)

Amanda said...

Wait. Understands or remembers clearly.

Andrea said...

Hey Angela,
Great job!
All the best in RGS!:)
Will always remember you,