Tuesday, October 30, 2007

I Love Tennis Too !

I am Mark. I love tennis; tennis is fun. My coach is Coach Chris. He taught me half serve, fore-hand and back-hand. My lesson is half-an hour long. I love tennis! I would love to hear your comments too.


Anonymous said...

Yeah! I have a blog post.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mark, I'm glad you love tennis too. And it's so wonderful that you can post this on a blog to tell the Whole World!

Anonymous said...

Good job, Mark!

Anonymous said...

I hope you will continue to play great tennis but I just hope you won't beat me one day.

Anonymous said...

I am so happy to hear that you love the game. It would be great to see you play a proper game with your siblings some day.....soon. Keep it up Mark!

Anonymous said...

Go, Mark, go! Go get 'em! Your name will strike fear in the hearts of every player in the tennis world one day (in fact, it's already striking fear in the hearts of lots of other people - see earlier blog entry by your mom rearding her ideas on why you get so many "presents" from your friends).

Anonymous said...

Congrats! Just keep at it. Competitive tennis is not always fun, though. Maybe, we can get Nutmeg to play against you when you play a bit better. She can really whack. You have a formidable opponent, Mark!

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear it...

Anonymous said...

You can't hear a comment, you can only read it! Anyway, tell me when you're the world champion,, because maybe one day you will be one.

Anonymous said...
