Friday, October 19, 2007


I have just learnt from Li Koon that last night my nephew WL had attended the wake of his best friend from school. WL was devasted at the loss of his dear friend - a loss that was so needless.

Why have I entitled this entry as 'Choices'? Everyday, we make decisions, choices that seemingly do not have any serious repercussions. But in the case of WL's friend, the choices made by the parties involved ended in a fatality. The accident from what I understand happened when WL's friend, while crossing the road, dropped an item. He was standing on the road divider when he bent down to pick up the item. He was hit by a car turning out from the ECP at Marine Terrace exit.

Choice 1: If WL's friend had chosen to look before retrieving his item, he would have noticed the oncoming car.

Choice 2: If the driver of the car had chosen to slow down, knowing that she was driving in a school zone, she would have had the time to react and avoid hitting WL's friend.

I am sure the driver did not intend for the accident to happen - exactly that - accidents are unintentional. I am sure she must be going through the event over and over again in her head; wishing that things had been different, that maybe she could have left her house a little later.....

I have learnt a very important lesson from this sad incident. Being a driver myself, I realise that I too could kill someone with my car; someone's son, daughter, mother or father. Although we cannot control the events in our lives, we can choose actions that can lessen the chance of causing hurt to someone. I have decided from this day forth, to drive with greater care and awareness, to drive slower so that I always have time to react to unexpected situations. I hope that when you have read this entry, you will also make the same decision; the same choice as I have made.


Anne In Oz said...

Absolutely right. We would all do better if we drove with more care from now onwards (in your case, however, if you drove any slower, bicycles and pedestrians would be overtaking you, haha).

Anonymous said...

One book that deeply influenced me during my 'growing years' was entitled "THE POWER OF CHOICE". Never mind that I can't remember a thing in between the covers, but the title absolutely stuck ... and that has always guided me in all I do. Whatever happens, whatever we do, whatever we want, however we feel, it all about a question of our choice. Read the book.

Anonymous said...

Choice no. 3: He could have taken more care of his things, so that he would not have dropped his item on the road.
Isn't it confusing?

Anonymous said...

poor WL. he must be very sad.

Unknown said...

I didn't know it was WL's best friend! I thought it was just someone he knew! Any way, that's a good ummmm..... resolvement?

Anonymous said...

It's resolution, Mike.