Saturday, August 21, 2010

2oth Aug 2010 Mark's One Minute of Fame - YOG Tennis

There was an impromptu dance by the YOG tennis players which Mark happily joined in. He was spotted doing his hand stand and the rest is history...Yay Mark!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

A Moment In History

We are very proud that Angela was one of the athletes picked for the inaugural Youth Olympic Torch Relay!

10th August 2010 YOG Torch Relay

A Historic Moment for Angela...

Group Shot of runners on Hougang Ave 4.

Angela getting off the bus to lamp post 41.

Taking over the torch from Sul Mohamad Sulaiman.

Angela waving to the cheering crowd.

At Temasek Poly in the evening for celebrations.

A must-have shot with the YOG flame.

Angela's supporters...