Sunday, September 13, 2009

Highlights of Angela's STA Tennis Finals 11 Sep 2009

Angela played a very patient game. She kept the ball going, focused on placing the ball and waited for the right time to strike. I can't wait for her to play Under 14 in November. Her opponent, Shivani, played well too - a worthy opponent indeed.
(Angela is the one with a white cap and green shirt)

Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Great Magician Act

In this very exciting act, the Magician makes his lovely assistant mysteriously appear from an empty box...Its truly a mind boggling act! Enjoy!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Angela - An RGS Girl!

I am very proud to announce that Angela has been accepted by RGS through Tennis DSA. She has been working hard on court despite the looming PSLE. A well earned place! Meng Hwee and I and her brothers are SO proud of her! Hip Hip Hurray!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


A Dream Come True
by Angela Lim

Everybody has dreams - dreams of going places, doing things, of accomplishments. On the 4th of June 2009, one such dream came true for me – I set off on the journey of my life to Roland Garros in Paris to play in a Charity event with two great tennis legends, Andre Agassi and Steffi Graf. The night my family and I boarded the Singapore Airlines A380 plane, I felt a great sense of anticipation and excitement.

We arrived the next morning and were brought to our hotel, together with the 15 children who were selected from their respective countries to play in the event. The first day in the city of Paris was a free and easy day for the participants and their families. My family and I spent a wonderful day visiting all the must-see tourist attractions. We went to the famous Notre Dame Church, climbed the Arc de Triomphe, saw Mona Lisa at the Louvre, cruised along the beautiful River Seine and went right up to the very top of the Eiffel Tower! The view from the top was spectacular!

Finally the great day of the Charity Event came and I was extremely excited and nervous. What worried me was that it was raining and I was afraid that the event might be cancelled. As soon as I stepped onto the red clay court and saw the two tennis giants, all my worries left me. “Nothing is going to stop me from playing well today,” I thought.

When my turn came, I stepped forward eagerly. We were going to play doubles and I was to partner Andre Agassi. I felt extremely honoured to be standing beside, let alone, partnering a professional tennis player in a tennis match, watched by a few hundred spectators!!

On the final and deciding point, I hit a drop-shot winner against Steffi Graf and her partner from Taiwan. I felt deliriously happy and proud! Agassi and I exchanged a high-five with smiles spreading across our faces, as I had just won USD 10,000 for the Andre Agassi Foundation.

The trip to Paris was indeed an amazing opportunity for me and that it did not just come accidentally. I believe that people create opportunities for themselves by working hard; and when opportunities do come knocking on our doors, we should grab it with both hands and not let it go. Believe that you can achieve and you will achieve. With lots of determination and hard work, you can achieve anything you want, just keep working at it. Dreams do come true!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Friday, June 12, 2009

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Angela's Dream Match - Roland Garros 2009

The video that got us to Paris...

Monday, May 25, 2009

Stuff I Don't Know by Mark Lim

Sometimes I sit and wonder
Were there mummies in Egypt?
Were there Polar Bears at the North Pole?
Was the Earth so very smelly?

The way to find the answers
Is to search the Internet
But I still wonder,
Were there Dinosaurs we could catch?

I wonder what it was like a long time ago
I wonder, I wonder, I really want to know
Were there meteorites heading to Earth?
I wonder what it was like a long time ago.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Nike Freeze Sketch by Samuel

Do upload the entire clip first before hitting the play button.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Arthur's Confirmation 3rd May 09

Both Godpa and I are so very proud of you!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Angela is 12 today!!!

We celebrated Shan Min's birthday with the Sebastians and Matt's brother Toby and his family on Saturday 25th April. Sadly, it will be one of the last few of such gatherings before the Sebastians head to Down Under for good.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Tennis Update - by a very proud Mommy

This is a quick update on our tennis prodigies - Angela and Mark.

Angela has made it to the STA sub-elite team. She now trains 11 hours a week (9 hours at the Sub-elite and 2 hours with her personal coach Uncle Jon). She is really enjoying the game now and is finding the Sub- Elite training challenging and fun.

Mark (the one in dark blue t shirt and white shorts in the pic on the left) has just been promoted once again to the next level - Intermediate Advance. The funny thing is that most of his tennis mates are 'giants' compared to him. They average about 1.5 times his height! He played a match with a boy today (the one just to his left in the pic) and Mark beat him 4-0!!!! Way to go, buddy!!!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

A Trip To Sungei Buloh ... by Mark

Thursday:11 March 2009 6.00 am
Today I woke with a start. I jumped out of bed, ran downstairs and changed into my school uniform while my mother whipped up a scrumptious breakfast - the most important meal of the day. I was very excited that morning as I was going on a school excursion to Sungei Buloh!

I headed to the canteen as I always do every weekday. Then, as fast as my feet could carry me, I pushed past the boys in the crowded canteen to get to the Parade Square for assembly. Unfortunately, I had forgotten to bring a story book to read during Silent Reading Time in the Parade Square. I prayed very hard that the prefects would not catch me not reading a book. Just as a prefect was approaching me, he turned to another boy who was talking loudly to his friend. I gave a sigh of relief.

When it was time to go to Sungei Buloh, I saw a massive bus parked at the foyer. It was the BIGGEST bus I had ever seen! I ran up the bus excitedly. I sat ALL the way to the back of the bus where my best friend Brandon was sitting. The bus was very noisy as there were many boisterous boys pushing and shoving each other, all talking at the top of their voices. The teacher-in-charge shouted out loud ,”Stop all that racket!”. The boys ignored her completely and continued chattering away.

“Finally we are here!” I told Brandon excitedly. Both of us jumped off the bus joyfully. We were filled with excitement as there were towering trees all around us. We were transported into another magical world of nature!

We saw robust Rain trees that looked like GIANT umbrellas. They were filled with loud chirping birds that almost deafened our ears!!!! While we were so engrossed in the wild life, we didn't notice that there were pesky little mosquitoes having a BIG feast on us. We ran around in circles as we tried to evade the mosquito attack. As quick as lightning, we whipped out our insect repellent and sprayed ourselves with it.

Suddenly, out of nowhere a scaly Komodo Dragon appeared from behind a shrub. It crawled clumsily towards the nearby river and slithered into the muddy water head first. I was careful not to go too near it as it has a poisonous bite. All my classmates quickly took out their cameras and started snapping away. It was indeed a majestic creature!

When it was time to leave, our class was so noisy that some visitors shot us an angry look. I was so embarrassed. I tried to tell my classmates to keep quiet but as usual, no one listened to me. I was so relieved when the school bus finally arrived to pick us up. I was exhausted and my feet were aching.

When we got back to school, I was impatient for my father to pick me up. What a tiring but interesting day!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Bboy performance by John and friends at the recent SJI International School Cultural Night Concert

Shan Wei (John) is the one with the black beanie and black pants with white stripes.